Adding insult to injury, Kendall Carter beats a Pacific player to the ball AND sticks her tongue out at the beaten player. That's cold, Kendall.

This is the unofficial site of the Union County Soccer League, based in Anna, Illinois. As past President of the league, I feel safe in saying that some of the posts below will be wildly inaccurate.
Saudi clerics declare football un-Islamic
Daily Times Monitor
LAHORE: Ulema in Saudia Arabia have issued a fatwa (religious decree) declaring football an un-Islamic sport, and have urged the youth to quit it immediately, BBC radio reported on Saturday.
According to the report, the clerics urged the youth to indulge in jihad and other constructive activities that could help the Muslim ummah, the radio reported. The ulema argued that football wastes a lot of time and the participants wear shorts, which they said was an un-Islamic dress, the radio reported.
Following the decree, some players of the famous Taif Football Club have quit the game, the report added.
While I certainly sympathize with your attitude toward this "sport" implicit in the name you give it, I think the appropriate disdain can only be shown by calling it what it really is: communist football. Consider:
Good points all, but "communist" and "metric" turn out to be inextricably linked. The Soviet Union used the metric system, and Cuba, North Korea, Red China and Vietnam still do.