Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Mali Soccer Riot

Even A-J fans will have a hard time topping this.

Follow Up the FIFA Standings

From Jerry Green of the Orlando Sentinel:

Hey, don't laugh. The U.S. is now tied for 10th with Italy in the FIFA world rankings. This is the highest ever for a country that doesn't know these rankings exist.

Monday, March 28, 2005


Zane DeWitt (Dyno Nobel) takes it to the goal while his teammates stand at attention, waiting to salute. Posted by Hello

Friday, March 25, 2005

Where are they now? Posted by Hello

Day light Savings Time

Daylight Savings Time begins APRIL 3!!!

As a result, we will push the starting times for our Tuesday and Thursday games back to 5:30 PM.
The first games affected are the Tueday, April 5 ones.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

FIFA World Standings

The United States has moved into a 10th place tie with Italy in the FIFA World Standings. Can you name the others in the top 10?

Me neither. Here they are:

1) Brazil
2) France
3) Argentina
4) Czech Republic
5) Spain
6) Mexico
7) Netherlands
8) England
9) Portugal

Harvel Disposal is in 14th.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

This is what happens when fund raising does not meet expectations. Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 20, 2005


Hang on! If you recall, we have something like 70 new players. They were assigned to teams only 10 days or so before the season started. That's not a very long lead time.

Thanks for your patience.....


Do you have any good, digital photos of UCSL soccer action? If you do and want me to post them on this site send them to me at jope@cba.siu.edu !

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Final (?) Registration Number

As of today, we have 317 players registered to play this Spring 2005. We lost around 30 from the Fall 2004 season but made up for that by adding 75 new players!

Supplies for coaches

If you need anything, let me know. I am expecting a shipment of goalie shirts and soccer balls tomorrow (March 18). I also have uncovered some goalie gloves and mesh soccer bags.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Medical Release and Liability Form

All new players must fill out a medical release form. This is mandatory! Those who played in the Fall 2004 season should already have one on file with his/her coach. You can get a form here.

Child rearing article

Here's a fascinating article that, although it does not deal specifically with soccer, is relevant in many ways to what we as soccer parents can and shouldn't do. The money quote..."Having overprotective parents is a risk factor for anxiety disorders because children do not have opportunites to master their inate shyness and become more comfortable in the world." (Michael Liebowitz, clinical professor of psychiatry at Columbia University).

Friday, March 04, 2005


I have linked to the schedules for the PreK/K, 1st and 2nd grade, and 3rd and 4th grade schedules. Let me know if you see anything wrong!