Monday, August 29, 2005

Real Jihadists Don't Play Soccer

It turns out that soccer (football) may not be all bad. I hope this doesn't affect our rosters too much. From the Pakistan Daily Times Monitor:

Saudi clerics declare football un-Islamic

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: Ulema in Saudia Arabia have issued a fatwa (religious decree) declaring football an un-Islamic sport, and have urged the youth to quit it immediately, BBC radio reported on Saturday.

According to the report, the clerics urged the youth to indulge in jihad and other constructive activities that could help the Muslim ummah, the radio reported. The ulema argued that football wastes a lot of time and the participants wear shorts, which they said was an un-Islamic dress, the radio reported.

Following the decree, some players of the famous Taif Football Club have quit the game, the report added.

Can't argue with that, can ya?

Thursday, August 25, 2005


For years, I have been arguing soccer is a socialist sport. I was wrong. It turns out that it's a COMMUNIST sport. From

Our item yesterday on metric football prompted this reply from reader Eddie Staples:

While I certainly sympathize with your attitude toward this "sport" implicit in the name you give it, I think the appropriate disdain can only be shown by calling it what it really is: communist football. Consider:

  • No one understands the rules.

  • Workers are prohibited from using the tools that would let them be more productive (hands).

  • From time to time petty bureaucrats (officials) interfere with play in such a way as to limit production.

  • Players, coaches, officials and fans are all fully involved (employed) and yet output is miniscule.

  • Any production is met by celebration all out of proportion to its objective value.

  • Followers are slavishly (religiously?) devoted to the system and their own brand of it and resort to violence at any criticism of either.

Good points all, but "communist" and "metric" turn out to be inextricably linked. The Soviet Union used the metric system, and Cuba, North Korea, Red China and Vietnam still do.


We need a first round match-up.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Fall Schedules

The pre-k/k schedule and the 1st and 2nd schedule are linked on the right. The 3rd and 4th schedule will be posted tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Stan Fuller did not have as much luck as last year selecting his Harvel team..... Posted by Picasa