This is a Nike ad starring England's Wayne Rooney. What do you see? To me, it's a shirtless footballer who is excited and painted with the national symbol of St. George's cross. Creepy? Yes. Make me want to buy Nike? No.
What do other's see? From The Daily Mail:
Labour MP Stephen Pound said the advert was 'truly horrible.'
'This is such a horrible image and is so horribly war-like that it can only be described as Nike being crass, offensive and insensitive as they try to hitch poor old Rooney to their commercial band-wagon.'
Rev Rod Thomas of Church of England evangelical group Reform says, 'It therefore brings to mind the crucifixion to many people, and why Nike would want to do that, I haven't a clue, unless it is simply as a publicity stunt.
'The trivialisation of Christ's suffering is highly offensive to Christians and to God. This will cause real hurt to people."
Geez...lighten up, guys.

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