Friday, November 10, 2006


First row: Isaac Pender, JT Moore, Collin Prather, Logan Spalt, Elijah Haar, Ryan Stark; Second row: Zach Parr, Dakota Earnhart, Wyatt Smith, Dale Prater, Hunter Garver; Coaches: David Prather, Butch Earnhart, Gary Stark.
Photo provided by Tracy Prather.
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Thursday, November 09, 2006

3rd and 4th Grade Girls, SIKESTON CHAMPIONS

Back row: Coach Marc Korb, Miranda Lingle, Samantha Schott, Hannah Schlenker, Callie Mowery, Hannah Pineau, Sports Psychologist Matt Denny
Front Row: Sammy Brimm, Natalyn Hepburn, Madison Calhoun, Taylor Smith, and Bailie Denny  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 02, 2006

And Doug won the Championship without his hat. Go figure. Posted by Picasa

The 5th and 6th Grade Girls, CHAMPIONS at the 2006 Carbondale Tournament! Posted by Picasa

A Room in Sikeston

If you presently have a booked hotel room in Sikeston and are NOT going to use it, please call me before you cancel it!