Friday, June 09, 2006

Watch the World Cup ... and go to hell!

From Little Green Footballs:

Saudi cleric Nasser bin Sliman Al-Omar explains why watching the World Cup may cause you to be condemned to eternal torment. (Courtesy MEMRI TV.)

"During the last World Cup, while the call for prayer was being aired on TV... the TV that was broadcasting the game announced: “We will now broadcast the call for prayer.” The ball was really close to the goal at that moment, and one guy got up and cursed the muazzin.


I am saying to the fathers, to the mothers, and to the people who watch these games: On Judgment Day, a page in the book will be opened for you, and it will say that you sat and watched the games. Will this make you happy or miserable? Will this make you happy on Judgment Day, when you face Allah, or will you wish you had never watched these games?"

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